Advising Fashion Start-Ups
Thanks for being interested in my history. My background is not as exciting as Harry Potter’s but my experience working with fashion start-ups and exploring apparel production in Vietnam is real. If you want to know more about apparel manufacturing in Vietnam then let’s schedule a quick meet and greet chat using Calendly.
In 2008, I started working for Thai Son S.P factory. It is a family owned sewing business based in Ho Chi Minh City. They produce men’s, women’s and children’s garments using circular knitted fabrics. They offer full service garment production for brands around the world. After one year of doing marketing for them I started to get manufacturing inquiries on a daily basis. Most were startups that could not meet Thai Son’s minimum order quantity of 1,000 pieces per style per color. I also noticed that most people who contacted me did not have tech packs. I found myself teaching many fashion startups the basics of working with overseas clothing manufacturers. I found myself seriously figuring out how to start a clothing line. This has lead me to writing books and doing consulting for fashion start-ups based on my experience with Thai Son. This is how I became a fashion start-up consultant in Vietnam.
In 2008, I started working for Thai Son S.P factory. It is a family owned sewing business based in Ho Chi Minh City. They produce men’s, women’s and children’s garments using circular knitted fabrics. They offer full service garment production for brands around the world. After one year of doing marketing for them I started to get manufacturing inquiries on a daily basis. Most were startups that could not meet Thai Son’s minimum order quantity of 1,000 pieces per style per color. I also noticed that most people who contacted me did not have tech packs. I found myself teaching many fashion startups the basics of working with overseas clothing manufacturers. I found myself seriously figuring out how to start a clothing line. This has lead me to writing books and doing consulting for fashion start-ups based on my experience with Thai Son. This is how I became a fashion start-up consultant in Vietnam.
Sharing my knowledge via eBooks
In 2016, as a fashion start-up consultant in Vietnam, I decided to share all my garment manufacturing knowledge in a series of eBooks. I had a clear picture of what factories ask and how startups should answer. I cover everything from meeting minimum order quantities to calculating import duties. I share Vietnamese business culture and language tips useful for working with sewing factories in Vietnam. Everything you need to know about how to start a clothing line and working with apparel manufacturers in Vietnam is in my eBooks:
Guide to Producing Garments in Vietnam
Where to buy Eco fabrics
Guide to Quality Control

Partnering with Small Factories
I get a lot of inquiries for non-apparel related products like shoes, backpacks, toys, handicrafts and furniture. Starting in 2017 I did not have enough time to learn about other product categories and visit more factories so I built a network of small to medium size factories specializing in a variety of products that Vietnam is strong in. My close friends have great insight for anyone asking how to start a clothing line or getting shoes, bags, backpacks, toys etc made in Vietnam.
Enter 2021
With COVID behind us, Vietnam is crawling back to life. Shade has joined me as my assistant fashion start-up consultant in Vietnam to answer the increasing number of emails we get. We want to learn about the product you want to produce and offer an action plan to start working with factories. I offer consultations to people who are serious and well-prepared. My eBooks are also available in audio for those who like to learn at their own pace. When I talk to people, we either focus on production or focus on business strategy. It’s easy to produce things in Vietnam but it’s not easy to get them to market and sell out all your inventory. This is why I am fashion start-up consultant in Vietnam. Branding, marketing and business planning naturally interest me and it’s the direction I am heading in. I’d be happy to discuss all with you.

My "Why"
I love being a fashion start-up consultant in Vietnam because I love working with fashion start-ups who want to master the process of working with Vietnamese factories. I resonate with serious entrepreneurs eager to learn and move forward. I crave the energy that start-ups have. I get great satisfaction answering their questions and calming their anxiety about investing money and working with factories in a foreign country that speak a foreign language. I am a fashion start-up consultant in Vietnam.My "How"
I start with a list of production steps and figure out which steps you have already mastered and which you have not. Each step has decision points that only you can make. I explain the options until you are ready and you choose; then we move on. This is how I work as a fashion start up consultant in Vietnam.
My "What"
I work with you to complete your tech packs, order quantity breakdown list and quality control checklist. With these three things in hand, I take you to the factory to work directly with Vietnamese garment technicians and merchandisers. The ultimate goal is to get a price quote and counter samples before committing to production. This is what I do as a fashion start up consultant in Vietnam.My Mission
To share my Vietnam garment production experience with fashion start-ups around the world.My Vision
To be the best fashion start up consultant in the world with an emphasis on finance and accounting.Best Advice
Start with Tech Packs
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Engineer your MOQs
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Example Tech Pack
Quantity Breakdown List
Quality Control Checklist
1,000 True Fans
MOQ Engineering
Start-up Decisions
Garment Production Steps
YouTube Channel
Tech Pack Templates
Quantity Breakdown List
Quality Control Checklist
1,000 True Fans
MOQ Engineering
Start-up Decisions
Garment Production Steps
YouTube Channel
Tech Pack Templates
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