Apparel Tech Pack Freelancer Directory

Tech packs are the key to having quick success producing in countries like Vietnam. My name is Chris and I work in Vietnam as a fashion start up consultant. I have created this apparel tech pack freelance directory for you to find a tech packer near you.

I recommend that you work with tech pack freelancers face to face because they can advise you about design details, stitching options and trim selections easily.

If you need assistance with sourcing and manufacturing in Vietnam, contact me. My network of sewing factories in Vietnam is growing everyday and I can get your tech packs made in Vietnam too.
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apparel designer in phoenix
Freelance Tech Pack Designer Los Angeles
Freelance Apparel Tech Pack Designer Ho Chi Minh City Saigon
Freelance tech pack apparel designer ward colorado usa
Lingerie Expert Designer Johore Malaysia

Where can I find a tech pack freelancer in Vietnam?

Are you looking for an apparel freelance directory? You can post on the Saigon Fashion Facebook group to ask about an apparel tech pack freelance directory. Or ask me if you want to find a tech pack freelancer in Vietnam. I know a few good technical designers like Diep who offer tech packing services in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Here is what Diep has to say on this topic:

You can find an apparel tech pack freelancer directory on Linkedln, Vietnamworks or by using Headhunting companies. When I was working as a full time technical designer, my boss asked me to find a tech pack freelancer. We struggled to find candidates in Vietnam who specialized in making tech packs. Vietnamese fashion designers are not experienced with the mass production administrative process and Vietnamese factory technicans are limited in their language and computer skills. The tech pack freelancer job is a new concept in Vietnam fashion industry. The best way to find tech pack freelancers in Vietnam is by asking around on websites like Linkedln or searching Fiverr and Vietnamworks. You can find my profile on LinkedIn. I specialize in technical design for tech packs. Chris is a great resource if you need an apparel tech pack freelance directory.
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My take is, first ask yourself, is it a good idea to make your garment tech packs in Vietnam? On one hand it is a good idea because it is probably cheaper and the tech pack freelancer can introduce you to local factories. On the other hand I recommend you find a tech pack freelancer near you for three reasons: face to face interaction, same language and same time zone.

There is a lot of design changes you will make during the tech pack creation phase, so working face to face with an experienced tech pack freelancer will make it easier to make design changes on the fly.

Working in the same language is critical if there is a technical issue that you did not know about and the freelance tech packer tries to explain to you. If you speak the same language, these technical issues can be easily resolved.

Working in the same time zone will reduce your stress levels because staying up into the wee hours of the night Skype chatting with Asian tech pack freelancers can ruin your good night sleep.

This is why I have created an apparel tech pack freelance directory.

What is a tech pack? Back to the basics.

A garment tech pack is a multi-page document that illustrates, describes and lists all the technical details that a factory needs to quote a price, make a sample and complete production. Using tech packs for garment production is an industry standard practice. Use tech packs and command professionalism.

If you are not using tech packs then it means you are either new to the game or cutting corners to reduce your costs. I am a fashion start-up consultant based in Vietnam and I get contacted daily by people who want to produce apparel here but they don’t have tech packs. They want to “wing it” and assume that factories will make the tech packs for them. Their train derails as soon as the factory discovers they don’t have tech packs. Why? Factories prefer to quote a price and make a sample from tech packs because they don’t want to guess details like measurements and fabric specifications. To keep your train on track, my advice is to have your tech packs prepared by a professional in my apparel tech pack freelance directory before you approach any factory and plan to spend between 500 to 2,000 U.S. dollars for tech packing services. Tech packs will save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

Having a tech pack and being professional is critical if you want a quick and “financially lean” turn around. If you don’t have tech packs then the factory will classify you as a high risk customer for the following reasons:

  1. They fear you will place a small quantity order and they will make very little money.
  2. They fear you will chicken out at the last minute because you are new to the game and they will lose money.
  3. They fear that you will make many changes during development because you are not clear on what you want and they will lose money.

If you have no tech packs then they see you as a headache customer and their gut tells them to refuse you out of fear they will lose money. Pay to have your tech packs prepared in advance to increase your chances of gaining the factory’s confidence and hitting a home run your first time up to bat.

If the factory accepts to work with you without tech packs then ask yourself, “Are they desperate? Are they inexperienced?” If the factory doesn’t have enough orders and the staff have nothing to do, then maybe the owner will agree to quote price and make a sample without a tech pack. Or, a factory will accept to work with you without tech packs because their staff can’t read English and the staff don’t like following written instructions. Do you want to work with a factory that “wings it?”

Having complete tech packs prepared in advance is the key to working successfully with apparel manufacturers anywhere in the world. Everyone in this apparel tech pack freelance directory will help you get to the front of the line.

What questions must be answered in an apparel tech pack?

I created a list of 27 questions to illustrate the amount of information that goes into a tech pack. If you can answer all these questions then your tech pack is complete. Every person in my apparel tech pack freelance directory can help you with these 27 questions.

This list is intended to make your head spin. My point is that making a professional and complete tech pack requires decisions on your part since you are the designer. The tech pack freelancer can insert your information into the tech pack and the factory can suggest alternatives but at the end of the day, you are flying the plane. The experts in my apparel tech pack freelance directory will make sure you take off and land smoothly.
  1. What is the name of your brand?
  2. What is the designers name?
  3. What is the short description of the garment?
  4. What season does this garment belong to?
  5. What is the date this tech pack was created?
  6. What is the technical description of the main fabric?
  7. What is the style name?
  8. What is the style #?
  9. What is the size range?
  10. What is the sample size?
  11. Do you have an image for the sample fabric swatch that shows details like artwork, pattern or texture?
  12. Do you have a technical drawing (aka flat sketch?)
  13. Do you know the item name, item description, color, sku #, quantity and supplier name for every item in your bill of materials?
  14. Do you have pictures that show the details of each trim like, buttons, zippers, labels or patches?
  15. Do you have pictures that show the details of each accessory like hang-tags, poly-bags or carton boxes?
  16. Does your technical drawing call out all the special elements of your design like velcro strips, snaps, secret pockets or water proof seams?
  17. Does your construction diagram list the sewing operation, stitch type, stitch width, stitches per inch, seam orientation and seam allowance?
  18. Do you know the exact Pantone color code for every element of your design including fabric, lining, buttons, zippers and thread?
  19. Do you have the original artwork for any printing that needs to be done on the fabric, trims or accessories?
  20. Do you have all the correct wording for your main labels and care labels?
  21. Do you know the exact materials, dimensions and placements for all your main labels and care labels?
  22. What type of card-stock and print quality do you want for your hang-tags?
  23. What material and thickness do you want for your poly-bags? Do they have an adhesive strip?
  24. What are you folding instructions?
  25. Do you have the exact measurements for at least one size?
  26. Do you have the exact graded measurements for the full size range?
  27. Do you have an accurate technical drawing that shows where to take measurements from when doing quality control checks?

Best examples of apparel tech packs online.

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There are thousands of example tech packs you can download from the Internet. Just google free-apparel-tech-pack-download. Or google the specific garment type you making. For example, google kickboxing-shorts-tech-pack and you will get results.

I recommend three online resources where you can get sample tech packs. First, subscribe to newsletter and in return Belinda will send you a simple and advanced tech pack in PDF format. Or, check out Sew Heidi. Her website has lots of amazing resources. She offers an editable excel tech pack. Finally, go to and study their sample tech packs. Their blog post titled, What is a Tech Pack, showcases tech packs for denim jeans, men’s wear jacket and a woman’s handbag.

Ask the people in this apparel tech pack freelance directory for templates. They might give them to you for free.

Apparel tech pack formatting tips.

Go to Pinterest and search for garment-tech-pack. You will see many different tech pack formats. Unfortunately there is no standard. The key is to choose one that is easy for the factory to interpret.

Download a tech pack you like and then modify it. My practical skills website has some great tech pack samples you can pay for and download. Or contact the folks in the apparel tech pack freelance directory and they will share their formatting tips.

Format a tech pack so it’s easy to know which sections of the tech pack require input or modification. A tech pack is a live document to track of changes during the development and production process. The brand, the factory and/or the agent must be able to easily update information with pencil or keyboard. Use shading or color coding to indicate which parts of a tech pack are meant to be modified. For example, the measurement charts and change tracking sections could have have non-white backgrounds to indicate action is required.
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The final format depends on which software you choose. Your options are Excel, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw or InDesign. Excel is great for tables of numbers and the other three are great for illustrations. I recommend creating your illustrations in Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw or InDesign and then import them into Excel. Create easy to read and professional headers and footers in Excel and include them on every page. Make sure each section of your excel sheet fits nicely into a landscape A4 size. Don’t merge cells. Add the file path to illustrations that you import to Excel so you know where the illustrations came from on the original computer. Don’t use formulas or macros. All the experts in the apparel tech pack freelance directory can use all these softwares and advise you.
Diep's experience is that she uses excel and Adobe Illustrator to make her tech packs. Each software has different formatting options. The key point is to learn each software well to have formatting options. Overtime you will create your own format that is logical to you. The first step is to learn the softwares. Most people know how to use excel or learn quickly on their own. But Adobe Illustrator is not as intuitive. Diep recommends to take a basic Adobe Illustrator course to be able to use it well and have more options to modify your tech pack format.

She also advises to make sure your laptop is suitable for graphic design because if your formatting gets complicated, then old laptops have a tendency to freeze. You will need a fast processor and as much RAM and ROM memory as possible.

Finally, she suggests that if your software skills or your graphic design skills are not good enough then you will have to hire a tech pack freelancer and they will have their own preferred apparel tech pack formatting. The only problem with hiring tech pack freelancers is that you will have to come back to them every single time you need to update the tech pack which can lead to delays and be costly. Diep a great example of a professional that is in my apparel tech pack freelance directory.

Online apparel tech pack software.

There are product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions that include tech packs but these PLM solutions are expensive and for large organizations. There is only one stand-alone tech pack creation software designed for small organizations that I recommend, it is called

I found out about back in 2015. I immediately signed up for their 29 U.S. dollars per month plan. The interface was intuitive and the software functioned well. My favorite feature was their library of fabrics, trims and accessories which I could choose from. I highly recommend trying for free for seven days. You will know right away if it is the solution you need.

I stopped using because I realized that I did not know what information to put into the software. I am not a garment technician and I am not a garment merchandiser. taught me a very important lesson. Creating a tech pack is easy if you know what information to put in the tech pack.
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Diep is a tech pack freelancer in Saigon. She has not worked with tech packing apps but she has used PLM (product lifestyle management) systems that included tech pack modules. They were built specifically for big Brands. PLM systems with integrated tech pack modules are great because images, measurements and files are uploaded to a server where many people can access. The brand, the factory and third party suppliers have access to get the tech pack details and update it. Big brands have teams of technicians and designers managing hundreds of styles. Each team updates different parts of the tech packs independently. Each update has a timestamp and the name of who made the changes. PLMs are great for large brands but not appropriate for fashion startups. Ask the specialist in my apparel tech pack freelance directory what they recommend.
Apparel tech pack freelancers directory
There are 2 drawbacks about PLM tech pack modules. They are very expensive and they are subscription based so you need to pay to maintain and upgrade the PLM software every year. Each PLM system is different for each brand. If you work with more than one PLM then you will have to learn each one and it can be very confusing.

Another problem Diep points out is that it takes factories one or two orders to learn the PLM system. So for the 1st few orders you should not let them have direct access. They could lose data or crash the system on accident. You end up doing a lot of the data entry and updating yourself in the beginning when you use PLM and onboard a new factory.

Thanks for visiting my apparel tech pack freelance directory.